Physics Final Presentation Rubric
Vocabulary words Group has 3 vocabulary words. Vocabulary words are prominently used in the presentation and clearly defined. Group has 3 vocabulary words. Vocabulary words are clearly defined in the presentation. Group has 2 vocabulary words Group has 1 vocabulary word
Visual Group has a well-designed visual that is easy to see and contributes strongly to students' understanding of the presentation Group has a well-designed visual that adds to the presentation Group has a visual, but it adds little to the presentation Group has a visual that is poorly designed or hard to see
Equipment and Materials Group has all equipment and materials needed for 8 students, equipment wrangler is clearly comfortable demonstrating and using the equipment Group has all equipment needed for 8 students, equipment wrangler has one or two issues demonstrating or using it Group has all equipment needed for 8 students, equipment wrangler appears unfamiliar with the use of the equipment or struggles to get it working Group does not have enough equipment for 8 students

(counts 2x, 8 total points)
At least two group members take part in the presentation. Presenters use tone, volume, and pacing to effectively communicate ideas. At least two group members take part in the presentation. One aspect of tone, volume, or pacing could be improved. At least two group members take part in the presentation. Two or more aspects of tone, volume, or pacing could be improved. Only one student takes part in the presentation, or problems with tone, volume, and pacing make the presentation hard to follow.
Time management The presentation runs for the time predicted in the group's lesson plan (no more than 20 minutes total) The presentation is within +/- 2 minutes of the time predicted in the group's lesson plan The presentation is within +/- 4 minutes of the time preducted in the group's lesson plan The presentation is more than 4 minutes under or over the time predicted in the group's lesson plan.
Lesson Plan

(counts 2x, 8 total points)
Lesson plan includes an objective, a description of the science and why it is important for students to learn, and detailed procedures. Plan is exceptionally well written and thought out. Lesson plan includes an objective, a description of the science and why it is important for students to learn, and detailed procedures. Plan is well thought out. One key feature of the lesson plan is missing or incomplete. Two or more key features of the lesson plan are missing or incomplete.